Our Blog

Google’s Consent Mode: A New Era for Privacy

Google’s Consent Mode: A New Era for Privacy

In a world where digital privacy has become a topic of growing concern and debate, Google has introduced a novel solution designed to assist advertisers, publishers, and developers in adapting to stringent privacy regulations

Proud to be Amazon’s guest at its biggest tech summit

Proud to be Amazon’s guest at its biggest tech summit

We were excited to be invited to act as ambassadors and share Telecoming’s story at Amazon Webs Services (AWS) Summit in Madrid. A renowned global event that brought over 6,000 tech experts, clients and partners, together to connect, collaborate and learn.

Dpay, welcome!

Dpay, welcome!

We are happy to present our mobile payment solution for the digital press, the next big industry entering the amazing content monetization trend.

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- Responsable del tratamiento: Telecoming S.A.
- Contacto DPO: privacy@telecoming.com
- Finalidad del tratamiento: suscripción al blog.
- Legitimación del contrato: consentimiento.
- Destinatario de cesiones o transferencias: no se efectúan transferencias de datos fuera de la UE.
- Derechos de las personas interesadas: acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, limitación del tratamiento, portabilidad de los datos e interposición de reclamación ante la AEPD.