Our Blog

Enhancing Advocacy: AI & Gamification Unite
AI-powered gamification can transform advocacy from a checkbox activity into an immersive game that employees want to play.
Six trends that will shape 2020
Technological innovation has dominated the last decade. But what will 2020 bring us?
The skills you need to succeed in 2020
Which hard skills are needed to succeed in an international professional career?
Building team spirit through unique events
Christmas party? Maybe sounds like organising a simple dinner, renting a local and reserving some dishes to eat altogether once a year, but what is behind this event? Here’s what you need to know!
Merry Christmas and Happy 2020!
To celebrate 2019 and share our best wishes for 2020, the Telecoming team has prepared this video card. Enjoy it!
Sports ticketing purchase is mobile
Sport is more digital than ever; that’s why we have carried out an analysis of the Spanish market. In Spain, the turnover of digital sports tickets will surpass € 310M this year.
Technology and women, who empower whom?
Women are protagonists worldwide. Now more than ever, she leads the conversation and plays an essential role in society....
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