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Considerations about employee engagement

Considerations about employee engagement

It is very important to differentiate between engagement and employee happiness. Engaged employees are satisfied with their work, although not all happy employees are engaged. So… what exactly is engagement?

From m-commerce to app-commerce

From m-commerce to app-commerce

Digital commerce is a reality that no one doubts anymore. The global situation has consolidated purchases through mobile devices. Users search and buy products through our smartphone regardless of age, sector or habits.

The value of creativity

The value of creativity

The way we consume newspapers has evolved a lot in recent years. Few people go to their nearest shop every Sunday to buy a newspaper. The boom in digital news consumption is marked by the wide range of news on offer, social networks and, in many cases, by the fact that it is free of charge. However, what never changes is the importance of being informed and the recognition we give to those who inform us.

How to customise your mobile

How to customise your mobile

We spend a lot of time with our mobile phones and customising them according to our tastes and needs has become a fundamental aspect. If you’re interested, read on, because below… we’ll show you a few apps to personalise your smartphone!

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