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Social Platforms Dominate Mobile Ad Spend
In the second quarter of 2024, the mobile app market continued its expansion, showing significant growth trends, especially on social and video platforms.
The Virtual Reality revolution has only just begun
Virtual Reality is moving from a term that still seems futuristic to many to become a standard technology. Find out more here!
Contactless payments will rock by 2026
Our last analysis is about the evolution and possibilities of contactless payments. Spain ranks third with the highest number of contactless payments through different devices in Europe, behind the UK and France and ahead of Germany.
How to Improve Your Digital Customer Experience
Monetizing digital content enables publishers to make their business more profitable. But, at the same time, the competitive environment drives them to create better content and look for ways to maintain users’ loyalty and satisfaction. Here’s where customer journey mapping steps in, allowing the publishers to understand their audience better to provide the content they need and the experience they deserve. Let’s see how customer journey mapping works and what benefits it can bring to your digital platform.
5 Ways to Make People Remember Your Brand
Brand identity is key to customer loyalty. It’s the first thing that people notice about a company, and it can make or break your business. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you need to ensure that your branding reflects who you are as an organization.
How to Reach Your Audience Through Automation
Technological advances have made automation a must for many businesses. Making processes simpler is one of the goals automation seeks to achieve. Automation streamlines and measures workflows and simple activities, by digitizing actions that are repetitive in your business. In this article, you will learn how to reach your audience through this process.
The 1st Direct Carrier Billing Index is released today!
We are happy to present our first Direct Carrier Billing (DCB) Index carried out with Evina, experts in mobile payments protection.
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