Our Blog

The Art of Bootstrapping – Building a Business on a Shoestring Budget
Building a business on a shoestring budget requires ingenuity and, most important, planification. Discover how in this blog.
6 Types of Wearable Technology You Must Know Right Now
These wearable technologies are becoming extremely popular, but do many people understand the actual meaning and purpose of such devices? Let’s find out!
Telecom trends to look out for in 2022: What to Expect?
As the world of technology continues to evolve rapidly, so does the way we communicate. It's impossible to predict how many...
Telecoming experts as visiting professors at USC
We have been invited as professors at USC in the Marketing Digital master. As a big player in the industry, our responsibility is to transfer the expertise learned to the coming generations. We know they aren’t looking for more information and theory; they search for inspiration and guide.
Next stop… MWC – Barcelona!
In less than 15 days starts the MWC, the most important mobile event globally. Telecoming will attend for the seventh year in a...
Payments Industry Experts Discuss 2022 Challenges
The leading players of the payments industry like Visa, Bizum, Pecunpay, American Express and for sure, came together to prepare the 1st Payments Observatory presented by the Spanish Marketing Association and Ditrendia. Our Country Manager, Rodrigo Santiuste, gave a vision of the future of payment methods focused on user experience, like Direct Carrier Billing.
European digital content industry will triple by 2026
The consumption of video, music and video games is increasingly rising. User interest in these services is growing along with digitization and the subscronomics movement. We are living in a real technological revolution! That is why Telecoming has conducted a study on the evolution of digital content consumption trends in Europe.
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