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Behind the Screen Magicians: the Evolution of Software Developers
In this post Cristian Gayoso, our IT Product Manager, unveils us everything about the role of the Software Developer in a company and its evolution.
Infoempresa develops the 1st browser extension for financial information of Spanish companies
Infoempresa.com, a business information web service, has developed the first Google Chrome extension that allows users to access company registry data in the browser and from any web page. Download it and make your searches easier!
Telecoming and OKAST join forces to boost the streaming video market
We are pleased to announce that we have signed an agreement with OKAST to drive the online video market forward.
Data means wealth
ASEDIE publishes every year the Spanish Infomediary Sector Report. This is a study on the value of the Infomediary Sector, covering a sample of 701 companies, 22,638 employees and a turnover of 2,060 million. This is the tenth edition, and that is why today we interview its General Secretary, Olga Quirós.
Communications Skills
Today the world has changed radically. However, the global business ecosystem agrees that corporate communication is strategic to prosper in any activity.
Subscription models and digital media: a WIN-WIN strategy
The II Evoca Forum analyzed the expansion of payment models in the media industry. Representatives of groups and media such as Prisa, Vocento, Unidad Editorial, Grupo Godó, El Español, El Confidencial, La Vanguardia, Eldiario.es, among others, met there.
How to Improve Ecommerce Customer Experience in 2022 and Beyond
What will it take to improve the eCommerce customer experience in 2022? The following are a few strategies you should consider implementing.
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