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Top Technologies Driving Digital Transformation in Sports
New technologies push the limits in various sports. Learn more about the most used technologies that drive digital transformation in sports today.
An in-depth review of the mobile economy
The mobile economy is one of the biggest revolutions of our era. The GSMA estimates that by 2029 5G will overtake 4G, contributing $5.2tn to global GDP.
The Kings League: A football game-changer that is here to stay
The dream of playing in a professional league is its great value. The Kings League has landed with several sponsors, campaigns and also controversies in between.
How can sports organizations embrace mobile tech to generate new revenues
Our Chief Strategy Officer, Patricia Peiró Hergueta, was pleased to be a guest speaker on the WFS podcast, where she shared relevant insights about engaging and monetizing mobile audiences.
Social media trends that will consolidate in 2023
Analyzing the latest trends in social media can provide valuable insights into how to effectively engage with potential customers.
Open Data as a lever of wealth & development
Telecoming has relied on technology to help users access and understand financial information. We have taken our expertise from the mobile economy to the data economy and are very proud of it!
How technology helps MMA sports industry to boost fan engagement
This year at Telecoming we have launched ‘Meet, Chat & Drinks’, where we have the opportunity to share a discussion with Cairo Howarth, EFC President.
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