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Streaming Services are Winning the Race for Viewers
After a Telecoming report about the Spanish streaming economy, audio and video subscriptions are expected to exceed €3 billion in 2024.
The impact of digital technology on international relations
The transformative power of digital technology and AI has the potential to revolutionize international relations and reshape our world. By understanding these forces and cultivating global collaboration, we can strive to equalize the benefits and address emerging challenges while mitigating its risks.
E-commerce on the up: promising new payment methods
Today, e-commerce is firmly entrenched in almost every area of the Internet. As technology advances, companies find new and innovative ways to offer their products on the net, particularly by facilitating payment methods.
Sports viewing: a game of change
As the sports marketing landscape evolves, it’s transforming how brands and corporations interact with fans, athletes, and teams. Given the advances in tech and shifts in what consumers want, it’s key for industry leaders to keep a step ahead of these changes.
Insights from Women’s World Cup 2023: celebrating growth and innovation
As women’s football continues to evolve, we can only anticipate further innovations that will push the boundaries and inspire future generations. It is an exciting time for women’s sports, and we eagerly await the next chapter in this thrilling journey of growth and achievement.
Building a SEO-optimized application: how to start with Angular
In today’s digital space, SEO-friendly applications play a vital role, as they can help you grow your application organically. In this blog post, we will explore how to build an SEO-friendly Angular application that attracts traffic. It is one of the most powerful frameworks used to build dynamic web applications.
5G monetization challenges (2023-2027)
Europe is starting from an interesting scenario in terms of active connections and revenues, building offers that will increase market value and usage. Telecoming has produced an in-depth report on the market outlook for the next few years titled “5G monetization challenges”.
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