Open Data as a lever of wealth & development

Yesterday we attended the presentation of ASEDIE’s annual report. ASEDIE is a Spanish association that brings together infomediary companies like Infoempresa. As you may know, Infoempresa is one of our services, developed to make more accessible the financial information about private companies operating in Spain. We actively collaborate with ASEDIE to keep pushing public organizations to open new databases for society
The annual report gathers the work of all the companies that, like ours, serve as intermediaries between pure data, processed information and acquired knowledge. Keep on reading to discover the key takeaways.
The latest edition of the infomediary sector report shows the good health of the industry, its resilience, and the potential for future growth. Identifying new companies with infomediary activity only enriches the ecosystem of all organizations that reuse public and private data. The entry of these new players is the first step in boosting a sector with an annual turnover of nearly €2.3 billion. The Spanish infomediary industry is growing double-digit above other macroeconomic indicators. These data reflect the sector’s good health and encourage us to look to the future with optimism, aware of its potential as a lever of wealth and development.
The infomediary sector is more active than ever. In the last year, ASEDIE has worked hand in hand with public administrations in two areas with a direct impact on civil society. On the one hand, the success of the so-called TOP 3 ASEDIE confirms that a global agreement on data openness for companies and citizens is possible. On the other hand, the sector has worked with European and Spanish institutions to promote a regulatory framework that makes sense for everyone. Many agents today make up the data economy and are committed to creating wealth, employment and knowledge through its reuse.
The TOP 3 ASEDIE initiative, launched in 2019, has shown that it is viable to harmonize public data sources and put them at the service of society. ASEDIE works closely with the Administration to continue opening new sources, standardizing open data and promoting transparency broadly.
Regarding regulation, the challenge is simplifying the rules that will set the framework for anyone involved. ASEDIE is promoting the creation of looking for a compendium of standards that will bring together all the regulations that impact both access and reuse of public sector data. This is an interest shared by institutions, academics and companies operating in this sector because they all understand the immense value it will bring to their activity. This common conviction is reflected in the survey conducted in this latest analysis.
The public-private collaboration with which this sectoral report has always worked has taken a step forward in this edition by incorporating the academic space. The cooperative work of the three areas confirms the leading role open data plays in today’s society.
The report gathers much more information on a sector that brings much value to society. Telecoming has relied on technology to help users access and understand financial information. We have taken our expertise from the mobile economy to the data economy and are very proud of it!
Stay tuned!

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