Marketing Automation To Increase Efficiency

The world does not stand still, and trends often change really quickly. Things that were relevant yesterday are not in trend anymore, especially when we talk about online marketing. However, in 2020, when the world will never be the same, digital marketing might go to the next level.
The main idea of marketing automation is to avoid routine hard work by letting machines doing it quickly in a more efficient way. Brand promotion tends to total automation, so let’s take a closer look at these new trends in 2020.
Smart content is the key
All the companies strive to improve their content, but nowadays it is not enough. It is highly recommended to generate personalized content. What does it mean? It means that you should consider people’s needs. You should not make mass mailings to all in a row. In the modern world, we can analyze how much time people spend on the website, which products they were interested in and what they put in their wishlists.
You can use this data to give people what they need at the right time. For instance, if someone googles a house, you can make an offer to this person using email. If someone has put some goods to the basket but did not make an order, the system should send him a reminder.
Analytics: make the most of your data
It is no secret that it is more convenient and productive to use automated tools which will give you more accurate data and will save you time. They can be SAS, MixPanel, Google Analytics, and so on. What can you get from them? You can find your future clients, offer people some goods based on their past needs and preferences, and predict a future number of customers. You can also make sales plans and define if there is a demand for some concrete goods.
The popularization of the Chatbots
Chatbots are not something new in the trade industry, but they become more and more popular. They get new functions and become very natural. They allow companies to take and sort orders, give responses to clients really quickly 24/7, remember a purchase history, and even entertain people. If you pay enough attention to creating your chatbot, you can even learn it to make a small consultation in the selection of goods.
Voice search ad smart dynamics
Peter Gentsch says that 50% of all search queries will be done with the help of a voice search in 2020. More and more people purchase smart devices and use them at home and in their offices. So, it is highly recommended to adjust your advertising campaigns so that your potential clients can see them when looking for anything with the help of voice search. However, it is of great importance to understand that written and voice search queries will not look the same. So, you should change key queries in correspondence with search queries.
A perfect option will be to let people order anything on your websites with the help of voice search and voice chatbot.
In short… Why is marketing automation good for your brand?
Marketing automation is suitable for business of any scale, from small online shops to big restaurant chains not depending on the industry. It is perfect for e-commerce.
You can still use email as one of the best promotion tools from the very beginning to the end of the deal. The best thing about email automation is that you can tune everything one time and not change anything at all for several years.
In addition, one of the key things for successful promotion automation is understanding your clients’ needs and behaviours.
On the other hand, you save heaps of money and time on attracting every single client. Finally, you need fewer people to do routine work and can use their forces for other important purposes.
Everything tends to automation, and brand promotion is not an exception, but a pioneer. If you want to be a top dog, you should be among the first ones to use new sales trends. In such a way, you will save time, much money, use your resources for other useful things, increase the efficiency of your promotion campaigns, and attract many more clients.
Not only your product will attract potential customers, but also your modern solutions. Remember that the main scenarios for automated email marketing are welcome letters, sales funnels, abandoned baskets alerts, and reactivation of not active contacts. And what we recommend you is to combine different methods and services for a better result.
Marie Barnes, a writer for LinksManagement, has collaborated with our blog in this post.