How Gamification Can Benefit Corporate Organizations

Organizations need to keep employees engaged in healthy yet fun activities to achieve a better outcome. We have prepared this post to help you understand the best methods to use and implement gamification in organizations. You can improve training and development courses within your company.
What is gamification?
Gamification is an online method of using game elements, mechanics and principles and applying them to non-game contexts for better user engagement.
People can use gamification in different contexts. Corporates may apply gamification to employee recruitment, training, organizational productivity, and evaluation. Other gamification uses include voter engagement, physical activity, and customer loyalty programs.
The gamification concept inspires users to engage with the content, especially with unenjoyable tasks. The tasks include compliance training or an in-depth safety training program.
Successful gamification techniques will sneak into the user’s motivation by becoming more skilled and offering extrinsic motivation such as points, rewards, and badges.
How gamification can help an organization
When an organization implements gamification, it will gain increased engagement from users.
Gamification can help your corporation meet direct and indirect business goals by tying the games to concrete company objectives that your organization can measure.
Gamification can help your organization to:
– Create a learning culture.
– Energize unengaging training programs.
– Streamline training processes.
– Establish effective staff onboarding processes.
– Keep employees updated on organizational products, policies, and software.
– Create a learning environment about products in a fun and effective way.
– Establish and share positive corporate branding.
– Connect with staff and promote team building.
– Train employees on upcoming technology.
– Update and enhance compliance policies.
How can gamification contribute to corporate training?
Recruiting new employees is a challenging task. An over-dependence on dry, boring onboarding documents, videos, and training sessions mean organizations forego the opportunity to engage employees from day one. By creating impactful documents and videos, and through gamification in training, your organization can avoid these issues.
Improve training outcomes by implementing gamification during the training process. Your organization can create a win-win situation where the employee is engaged, learning becomes more fun, and the employee becomes more likely to memorize the information they get. Interactive methods based on real-life work scenarios help organizations enable new employees to understand better their role demands, behavioural expectations, and organizational standards.
Turn routine or boring training into an engaging experience. Every company has compliance, safety, or legal procedures that employees must learn or review. These training procedures are often unengaging, dry, or plain boring. When an organization uses gamification to turn this training into an engaging experience, they gain safe staff who are less likely to forget this critical information.
Gamification in the workplace
Several organizations are using gamification to improve employee productivity and engagement. Gamification for training can be used in current or new training programs to:
– Hire new workers
– Retrain existing employees
– Teach staff about new products
– Improve staff comprehension of company policies
– Increase compliance
– Teach employees about new technology
– Help employees improve their skills
Gamification in team building can be used for the team to:
– Introduce and learn about new team members
– Create trust within the team
– Enhance teamwork
– Encourage collaboration
– Increase motivation

Tap into your staff’s competitiveness to:
– Make a competition out of salespeople and their product knowledge or leads.
– Establish leaderboards within departments, teams, and across the whole organization.
– Encourage information sharing across teams.
– Enhance employee engagement.
– Incentivize clients to receive a lot of services.
Virtual Reality training gamification, the next step
VR is the new normal in gamification in training. Every year, more and more companies are exploring VR and what it can do for training programs.
VR training is an effective tool. The ability to immerse and experience the training scenario helps to increase engagement, a better understanding of the concepts and material, and better information retention. Virtual reality training is being used in various industries.
Virtual reality can replace training scenarios that are too expensive, dangerous, time-consuming, or unrealistic to do in real life. For firefighters, pilots, military personnel, rescuers, and law enforcement, virtual reality can help them learn how to respond during high-intensity scenarios that would otherwise be unavailable for them to engage safely.
– Organizations across various industries have also found success in VR for their training programs. Rail organizations use VR to train staff, from drivers to conductors and engineers.
– Manufacturers apply VR to safely train employees on new equipment, preventing casualties, errors, or equipment damage. Compliance and safety training can be turned into a memorable and engaging experience using virtual reality.
– Companies also use virtual reality to improve their code of conduct training, allowing employees to test their decision-making skills or morals.
VR can enhance trust, communication, and empathy within an organization. This could be helpful for geographically distant teams, as making a VR meeting place can establish cohesion. Training through virtual reality can help make abstract ideas more understandable and real to people in the same situation.
Using VR in a gamification context in corporate training presents two drawbacks: First, it is expensive. Although it is cheaper than some on-the-ground training, it is still a costly technology. Secondly, the VR industry is fast-growing, and few options can offer VR training programs.

How to implement gamification in an organization
Game-based implementation requires an understanding of motivation, psychology and a well-thought-out plan to get people to do what they want.
1.- Implementing gamification into current training programs
Your company doesn’t need to start from scratch for gamification integration. You can insert game mechanics into the current training process. Where current training involves problem-solving points, seeking examples from real-world challenges, and changing behaviours, quizzes can be used along with point-based badges or leaderboards to reward high scores.
2.- Reward-based motivation
Rewarding employees with points for task realization, badges for upskilling, or recognition for completing a training course can keep them engaged with the training program. It’s possible to get real-world rewards like a day off or a gift card through the WooCommerce reward system.
Gamification is generally associated with e-commerce and trading businesses. However, regardless of the company, an organization can use gamification to run its usual affairs in a better way. From recruitment to performance improvement, gamification can do a lot as a tool to enhance the corporate environment. You can also implement the above-mentioned standards to reap gamification benefits in your corporation.
Usman is a digital marketer with many years of experience. He is on a mission to publish tech and digital marketing blogs, articles, and whitepapers for the world’s leading publishers. Outside of work, he loves playing video games with friends and following top tech bloggers. Thanks!