Interactive content relies heavily on audience data to stimulate user participation successfully and is now one of the most effective strategies for driving engagement. It’s a great way to showcase your unique value proposition and how it can address your...
The digital reality It is clear that things have changed, and the only way to survive is to adapt to the newly established model. When facing changes, we are uncertain and curious to try new media and formats and, above all, to see the results and evaluate them. We...
UX to meet your customers’ expectations It’s not easy to build and maintain a successful e-commerce store. It’s not even easy to decide what you’re going to sell, let alone getting all the other steps right. But let’s assume you’ve...
Subscronomics: the subscription economy will surpass $228 billion during 2021 Subscription has become one of the leading models of today’s increasingly digital, smart and sustainable economy, where payment for use and enjoyment predominates over the sense of...
Trends to follow in the fintech ecosystem Not long ago, we had to define well what was a fintech and what was not. It seemed clear that the technology providers that served the banks were not fintech – in fact, the most popular definition was “if you can...
Why automation can help your business In 2020 the business landscape has changed significantly. As remote work became the new normal, businesses had to adapt, implement more digital tools and rely on automation. Automation is especially important during the pandemic...