Women and Digital World, an Interview with Anzelle Robertson from MEF
Women and Digital World, an Interview with Anzelle Robertson from MEF Anzelle Robertson is Program Director: DCB, Mobile Content & Digital Advertising at the Mobile Ecosystem Forum. Now in her thirteenth year in the Mobile and Digital fields, she...
5 Key Features for Digital Product Engineering Teams
5 Key Features for Digital Product Engineering Teams Having an internal product engineering team dedicated to improving and refining your product to help you retain your top market position. This team will be tasked with roles such as fulfilling consumer needs...
Enhancing Advocacy: AI & Gamification Unite
Enhancing Advocacy: AI & Gamification Unite On many occasions, having a team member advocacy program can make team member engagement seem lukewarm. Traditional advocacy needs to work on participation. The good news is that, by using emerging technologies,...
The Rise of Social Media: AI and E-commerce on the Spotlight
The Rise of Social Media: AI and E-commerce on the Spotlight IAB Spain has recently published its annual report about the use of social media which aims to measure the evolution and outstanding tendencies in networking site usage and quantify its penetration....