Technology has driven business models based on subscriptions. The Economic Theory of Innovation and social changes have promoted a new movement: SUBSCRONOMICS. It is a term used to define the crucial role that technology has in models based on recurring...
Mobile ticketing for transport: a market on the rise
Mobile devices have changed the way we communicate, shop and travel. The study carried out by Telecoming, based on Juniper Research Data, reveals that almost 4.5M Spaniards will use their mobile phones to buy transport tickets in 2020. The number of mobile purchases...
The challenge of kids digital entertainment
Children learn to play and play to learn. The fact is that fun and knowledged must always go together. Today’s world, toy companies have understood how to keep kids interested in learning and adults interested in buying, at the same time. According to Wikipedia,...
Six trends that will shape 2020
Artd Technological innovation has dominated the last decade. But what will 2020 bring us? Mobile commerce keeps growing more and more As we have seen over the last few months, more consumers choose mobile devices to make their purchases online. According to Statista,...